To All Parents, Group Leaders and Teachers:
A live theatre performance is very exciting!  All of the people involved in the production, both cast and crew, work very hard to be sure they give a great performance.  It is the job of the audience members to help the performers give their best performance possible.  The audience can do this by practicing the rules of theatre etiquette.  We ask that you review these suggestions with your young audience members before their trip and that you all enjoy this performance and come back many more times.

We suggest the following guidelines for the best experience for students as well as the other patrons in the audience.

  • Arrive at the theatre on time and have all seating pre-assigned and given to each person. Seating charts will be sent after the final payment for the group is received.
  • Seating is at dinner tables. Therefore A CHAPERONE IS SUGGESTED FOR EVERY OTHER TABLE. As a chaperone, we feel it is your responsibility to supervise the activity of the students at the tables and you cannot do that effectively if you are not amongst them. The group will not be seated without supervisors being with the student tables.
  • Last minute cancellations due to illness are understandable for student groups. Gift Certificates will be given for students who do not attend the field trip since they will not be available to repeat this field trip again. The theatre must be notified by 10:00am the morning of the performance date to receive the Gift Certificate. The Gift Certificate(s) will be sent two weeks after the performance.
  • Cellphones, beeping watches, game boys and other gadgets that may make noise during the show should be left on the bus along with backpacks.  You should not hum, sing along or beat time to the music unless asked to join in by the cast. Likewise, unwrap all candies and cough drops before the show begins or during intermission.  Candy wrappers make more noise than you think during a quiet moment on stage!
  • The proper time to leave a performance is when the curtain is closed and the performers have taken their bows. If you must leave during the show, please wait until the scene change and go to the closest aisle. This will help to not disturb the other audience members.

Thank you for sharing this with your student groups. We look forward to entertaining you in the coming months here at Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre.